Use caution in bad weather conditions.Use proper braking.Anytime you brake hard, check to see if the trailer swings.Know the weight of the load. Our firm has been helping truck accident victims for more than 20 years. Moreover, fatigued driving can severely limit a truck drivers concentration, causing them to become inattentive to the road and exceed the speed limit. It also happens when a truck driver is following another vehicle too closely or not paying attention to road conditions. Welcome to our new website,! This term comes from a description of how the blade of a jack knife forms the angle with its protective handle. We want to develop a strong and sound case strategy to help you recover the compensation you deserve. How Trucks Jackknife? pounds of force before it will even begin to see failure or cracking. CALL TODAY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION 580.765.9660. The result is that the truck creates a shape resembling a pocket knife or a "jackknife.". Unfortunately, negligence often plays a significant role in truck accidents, including ones in which the vehicle jackknifes. Can You Jackknife a Trailer Going Forward? It isn't hard to understand what can happen when it collides with another vehicleor worse, a . What It Means To Be Quirkless Ao3 Melmelmelbear, How Much Can Corporations Give To A Political Campaign. Florida consistently ranks third in the nation for . These regulations pertain to truck load limits, cargo loading or unloading procedures, and securing cargo properly. Truck accidents also tend to cause more fatalities because of the number of people involved. Great communication. The outcome of a particular matter can depend on a variety of factorsincluding the specific factual and legal circumstances, the ability of opposing counsel, and, often, unexpected developments beyond the control of any client or attorney. When this happens, the truck will continue to roll and press into the cab. Truck jackknife accident victims can recover monetary compensation for: When your lawyer files a personal injury claim, the insurance company adjuster may begin settlement negotiations. When truck drivers fail to follow these regulationsor do not load their cargo onto the truck or trailer properlythe trucks center of gravity may become offset, causing it to jackknife. Jackknife tractor trailer causes. The trucks brakes and other mechanical systems should be inspected and well-maintained to ensure that the driver does not lose control of the vehicle. Truck Jackknife Accident Attorneys SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION. We have achieved favorable settlements for our clients who were injured or have lost loved ones in truck wrecks. The average length of a trailer is between 70 80 feet. Any purchase or contract between the user of this site and any such third party is solely between the user and the third party. PREVIOUS: On I-81 at mile marker 141 in the County of Roanoke, motorists can expect delays due to a tractor trailer accident. Unfortunately, jackknifing trucks can and often do result in serious accidents that involve not only the truck driver but other motorists on the road as well. Truck jackknife accidents also happen when drivers operate their vehicles while intoxicated. Many victims of truck jackknife accidents are unsure of what to do, where to go, and whom to trust. If you or your loved one was involved in a jackknifing truck accident, the first and most crucial thing you should do is make sure that anyone who has sustained injuriesincluding yourselfreceives timely medical attention. We have achieved favorable settlements for our clients who were injured or have lost loved ones in truck wrecks. When backing up your truck or trailer, it is important to remember that the trailer will move to the opposite side. Often horrific, jackknife truck accidents tend to involve multiple vehicles, catastrophic injuries, and death. Jack Knife is a term that applied to the dangerous situation when a large 18 wheel truck and its trailer go into a skid and the trailer swings out and stops to form an angle of 90 degrees with each other. South Carolina Jackknifing Lawyer Near Me (800) 777-7777 Regardless of the cause, if you have been the victim of one, you may have grounds for compensation. When the cab loses control of its cargo, the distinctive angled jackknife shape is a common outcome. These accidents typically occur when drivers speed around sharp curves, become distracted, or engage in other types of negligence. However, most initial settlement offers are meager and far less than the actual value of the truck accident claim. Approximately five percent of all truck accidents involve a jackknife. Ohio truck accident lawyers can protect your rights if you are injured when a big rig jackknifes. Jackknifing occurs when truck-trailer rigs become misaligned. Contact our experienced truck accident lawyers today for your free consultation by clicking here or calling (877) 591-1801. Also, commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) weighing over 10,000 pounds must pass the yearly inspections of the Department of Transportation (DOT). The term originates from the appearance of a jackknife, a foldable pocket knife, when it folds into its handle. Marion, Ohio, 43302, 1021 N Limestone St #200 Some of the most common types of negligence that lead to jackknife collisions include speeding, failing to take roadway and weather conditions into account, intoxicated driving, distracted driving, motor carrier violations, and truck driver fatigue. A jackknife crash happens when a truck skids to a stop, and either its tractor or trailer slides to the side, forming a V-shape with the rest of the vehicle. Truck drivers should always follow safety laws and be well-rested while driving. Excessive speed. Home Truck Accidents Jackknife Truck Accidents. AFFILIATES. Sleet, snow, and ice can also create slippery conditions, which can increase . Given the massive weight and length of commercial trucks, a truck can jackknife from even the smallest of skids. Here are some of the reasons a semi-truck can jackknife: Speeding: . Cases handled by lawyers who principally practice in our Durham (Main), Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro, NC and Greenville, SC offices. No Guarantee of Results. Talk to us about your accident. The driver was cited for failure to control. What Does It Mean When a Truck Jackknifes? As soon as you are able to, contact your own insurance company and notify them of the accident. Because these crashes can be catastrophic, its vital for truckers and other motorists to understand jackknife accidents and how to prevent them. Mechanical failure can also be caused by improper design or manufacturing defects. Commercial trucks pose a serious risk to other motorists due to their massive weight and size. If the truck is empty, it can be easy to break excessively. Please try a different search term. What does jackknife truck mean? If youve been in an accident in the Columbus, Ohio region, an experienced truck accident lawyer will protect your rights and help you obtain proper compensation. 2021 April 29 A double tractor-trailer marked FedEx Ground jackknifed on US 35 at Cain Road near the Jackson and Ross County line. Jackknifing truck accidents are very serious; it is important that you contact an attorney as soon as possible for help with your claim. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); (614) 545-3930 While you focus your attention on fully recovering from your truck accident injuries, a knowledgeable truck accident lawyer in your area can begin advocating for your legal interests. And you need answers to try to build a strong case. Semi truck jackknifed over edge of I-530 at south terminal interchange. These accidents can be very dangerous for anyone involved in them, and they can result in serious injuries, and even in wrongful death. Your lawyer should know what evidence to look for and where, as well as what federal and state laws apply. A semi-truck jackknife occurs when a semi's trailer swings perpendicular to the truck's cab, exceeding a 45-degree angle. It can be caused by a wide variety of factors, including the speed of the truck, poor weather conditions, and negligence of other motorists. Disclaimer: Submission of any information to does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. What is the Song in the Ram Truck Commercial? For a free legal consultation with a jackknifing lawyer serving South Carolina, call (800) 777-7777. When this happens, it is called jackknifing. This puts the driver in the other vehicle in the position of having no choice but to hit the truck head on because there are no other options. If you or someone you care about suffered injuries in a recent truck crash, you have legal options open to you. Site for Information Purposes Only; No Legal Advice Intended. Semi-truck jackknifes, pileup shuts down snowy interstate. If youve driven on an interstate, you may have seen the aftermath of a jackknifed tractor trailer wreck an 18-wheeler sprawled across multiple lanes of traffic, and the unfortunate car, or cars, who got sideswiped by 15,000 to 50,000 pounds of trailer. Technologies exist to help a truck avoid jackknifing. -knives, n. 1. a large pocketknife. This type of truck accident can be devastating, so it is crucial that drivers take preventative measures to avoid being in one. Attorneys fee calculated on gross recovery, before deduction of any court or other costs that are incurred during the case. According to iDriveArkansas, an 18-wheeler jackknifed on I-530 at the south terminal interchange on Thursday during the winter storm. Truck driver charged after woman killed, two-year-old girl injured in crash A truck driver has been charged after a woman died and a two-year-old girl was seriously injured in a crash in regional Victoria. Such materials are for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal developments. Truck drivers are distracted when they fail to observe the road. Police should be called to the scene of the accident and an official police report should be filed. North Carolina Personal Injury Attorney Disclaimer: Matters pending in North Carolina will be handled by the firms North Carolina licensed attorneys. The Anastopoulo Law Firm and its attorneys are not a party to and do not assume liability under any such contract. Since all truck accident circumstances and injuries differ, not all accident victims may recover the same types and amounts of damages. However, no representation is made as to the completeness or accuracy of the information it contains.
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