You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. There is the potential for a passionate relationship with the Sun opposition Mars synastry aspect, but there is also a lot of competition or challenges. This aspect tends to be worse in signs in which the Sun is more powerful, such as Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius. How does Medusa play out in synastry? If one or both people have planets in Leo, Aries, Sagittarius or Aquarius (or possessing these signs), then there is a good chance that Sun Conjunct Sun will be present in this relationship. Related: Moon Transits: How the Moon Affects You On A Daily Basis, Related: Moon-Saturn Aspects In The Synastry Chart, 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Statements that begin with you should must be avoided, because they only serve to make the partner defensive. Mars-Sun aspects will dictate how much you can feel each others physical presences. Acceptance and understanding needs to be worked on in order for the relationship to survive. I have seen friendships and other relationships with Sun square Sun contacts suddenly fall apart over what appears to be (from the outside looking in) a simple disagreement about different temperaments. Although the two of you have many basic differences in your personalities, you are, nevertheless, attracted to each other and intrigued by each other. Art thou pale for weariness At first, things might feel a bit off, but with a bit of communication and trial/error, the couple can learn to balance both of their needs. Quintile is a good aspect so you could use Medusa for good in some way like write about her or use her to help yourself or others in some way. My Venus is in house 8, Neptune in house 2, and Mars in house 4. *5 appointments is standard per week with a pay per sit. Neither person wants more than the other can give, and these partners are generally on the same page. Synastry:MoonNorthNodeAspects That only seems to come out once they know I am invested in the relationship and making it work. And ever changing, like a joyless eye Synastry:SunPlutoAspects This is where the Sun in one persons chart impacts the Sun in another persons chart. Together, you feel you are going somewhere. General notes about Sun-Sun contacts in synastry: With the hard aspects, there is generally a strong reaction to one another, whether its attraction or dislike. The Lunar is quite capable of providing the necessary emotional calming effect for the solar personality. You have to SEE the chart in people. Its actually one of the reasons I feel the urge to relocate as soon as possible. Athena was jealous. The Sun person probably has a lot of ambition and this intrigues the Mars person. Hi i really need help with this! It brings a lot of difficulties into a relationship but also gives immense potential for growth. The Sun conjunct Sun in synastry is easy to spot, but it can be complicated to interpret. A conjunction occurs when two planets are in the same place in the zodiac in the charts of two people. Expand. Something else i find interesting is i am the only person who has darkish curly hair in my family!!! Medusa has a story that people want to change. I was seeing a guy with heavy medusa in his natal chart and he played the role of Medusa just like any women would. They tend to share a sense of purpose or destiny that helps them stay together. The Sun conjunct Sun can also be tricky to interpret in synastry because it usually involves a complex entanglement between Mercury and Venus in the two charts are well. These are 2 different things. I have a dear client, who has medusa conj his ASC. Ive seen that energy play out with my own eyes! There is usually a battle of wills in this relationship. Deja conj the MC may be abuse that happens either in public( Nicole Simpson had this) or at work. What do you think, T? While the two may or may not get along, they will have the same strengths and weaknesses. Medusa is not politically correct. Synastry:MoonMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts In most cases, the Sun conjunct the Moon synastry partners become good friends. If that is the case, the two become even more alike. The Mars person in particular can get defensive if they feel that the Sun person is too judgmental or condescending. my medusa is also conjunct my mercury by two degrees.. You enjoy each others company and get along well. Theres two versions to the Medusa myth. Work to express this aspect in a motivational or sexual way rather than through anger or aggression. With the Sun trine Mars synastry aspect, the timing of the relationship is especially fortuitous. One day, I mentioned the asteroid Medusa. Both the Sun and Mars are very masculine energy planets. Melete squares my moon (4th house aries) by 46 minutes. When the aspects are flowing, there is a strong sense of compatibility. Logic is hard to come by. Synastry:Mercury-SaturnAspects Which makes me think of the Medusa-Athena myth! He will abuse her but it will be more hidden but it will come out in time. She was vain about it, but she was young and didnt know any better than to flaunt her beauty in front of an older woman, whose beauty was waning. Exact and orb 1. Sun/Sun. Also, Medusa has a despising of the attention of men and wanting to get back at them and at the same time attract them. "I want to welcome you to my website. Think about your best friend or your soulmate. what is medusa conjunct midheaven? This aspect injects your relationship with enthusiasm, optimism, and trust. Thankfully it never went physical in the rage department, on either of our ends. No its not my synastry. I want to be considered attractive, but who doesnt? I think Ive waxed quite poetically about this one before, but yes, it was quite incendiary in the end. I also think the second paragraph was unnecessary, It doesnt add anything to this article. I think you may be in denial that you urge men on and then reject them. I learned the importance of being kind to others who were different than me. Synastry:Venus-MarsAspectsBetweenTwoCharts sun conjunct sun synastry - Astrology Anonymous The Sun is the ego and the Moon is the emotions. Under the Sun conjunct Venus synastry, a strong emotional-intuitive connection is possible since Venus exalts in Pisces. Can Medusa on Asc give femme fatale look for women?Also can this on Acs give magnetic and hypnotic eyes?What about look and physical appearance? Usually, there is a level of competition between the partners, but there is a strong attraction even through this competitive energy. Mercury is never more than twenty-eight degrees from the Sun, and Venus is never more than forty-five degrees. Synastry:VenuswithAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Januarystorm Well-known member Oct 13, 2018 #2 Re: Asteroid Medusa in synastry Jupiter is generous and trusting towards the Sun person, and the Sun person vitalizes the Jupiter person. I get bored after getting men. Both people know how to push each others buttons, yet theyre also physically attracted to each other. Would any of that explain it? Gottcha Janay. If the relationship is purely psychological or emotional, it becomes very complex and confusing. It also shows your compatibility in energy levels, time spent together, and sexual preferences. Sun-Mars Synastry: Square, Trine, Sextile, Opposite, Conjunct Oh no! And as the expression of a singular soul, it is an energy that is rare and unique. There can be ego conflicts and competitiveness. This will increase the abundance of energy of one sign in that household. An innate appreciation and understanding of one another's essence exists . I noticed this and would compliment her. If this is a romantic relationship, both partners are attracted to each other. It is easy for you to be together because you do not have to explain yourselves to one another. Moon-Sun Synastry: Opposite, Square, Conjunct, Trine, Sextile Nessus conjunct my DSC by 1 degree 39 minutes. I have experienced a little abuse at work from time to time but nothing I would consider unusual, not like what my husband always seems to go through. Synastry:SunVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts However, this can actually push both partners to grow. Synastry:SunMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts It helps iron out other differences. She lures men with her beauty and when they bite (figuratively speaking), she attacks. You are so sweet Tina! Sun-Saturn Aspects In Synastry | Tea & Rosemary Even so, the two involved also understand each other on a deep and fundamental level. Opposites attract! This type of the Sun opposite the Moon synastry emphasizes the need to break through past parenting issues. Both partners find their egos getting triggered often; they then react to the other in an impulsive or angry manner. This is a mutually beneficial relationship. You may also motivate each other and work well as a team when starting a new business venture. What do you think? It tends to be easier in signs in which the Sun is softened, such as Scorpio, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn. Dejanira squares my Jupiter (1st house sag) by 10 minutes. They are too much alike, and they share each others blind spots. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. When people say what their sign is, they are usually referring to their Sun Sign. That is why you dont feel them. In Astrology, the Sun represents the ego, or sense of self, and the source of personal power. It was a humbling experience. In essence, he is elevating her, in the eyes of society. I wonder if all these myths are sad because life is sad. I did not say it but thought, Why do you act provocatively sexy and then get angry when men respond? I watched this drama but did not say anything. In this instance, the two people will feel incredibly alive and energetic when they are together. The Sun also holds our ego and our sense of self-worth. This was an error of youth more than an inherent character flaw in Medusa, in my opinion. I have Medusa square my moon and ascendant. If it is conj YOUR NN, it will be a major life theme, K. I have Medusa conjunct Venus and Chiron. Medusa is loosely conjunct (within 2.5 degrees) my sun in the 5th house. Sun trine Sun in synastry: Our synastry is off the charts, mostly unbelievably beautiful and positive. In the Sun conjunct Mars synastry relationship, its easy for either person to get super defensive. These discussions are based on the synastry aspects between the Sun in their two charts. This astrological relationship is considered as one of the easiest synastry aspects to experience. With the Sun opposite the Moon synastry, the creative, energetic principle opposes but still attracts the family, passive principle. Im almost afraid to ask, but I cant help but wonder. What is your opinion on this? Id scorn them because I dont understand why they have fallen for me. Sun Conjunct Venus Synastry: Relationships and Friendships Explained Dejanira (10th house libra) conjuncts my MC by 3 degrees. Sun Conjunct Venus: Synastry, Natal, and Transit Meaning I understand the tease factor is when Medusa is conj a planet or point, however, I trying to work out how the square from her operates. Synastry:Venus-VenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts This relationship has creativity and feeling, two essential ingredients for a wholesome experience. The Sun opposite or square the Moon synastry often signifies the attraction of the partners to each other which is complicated by problems and difficulties. Appreciate your basic differences, as you have much potential to complement each other. That finds no object worth its constancy? Both partners might feel that they just cant exactly explain what they desire when theyre fighting or expressing their sexual needs. Book an appointment today! Ophelia is conjunct my pluto (9th house virgo) by 41 minutes. What is her myth, Tina? In a general sense, you endorse one another. Bullying is usually Chiron conj the ASC not the water void. You probably react to each othervery defensively. Where Athena cursed Medusa, for either breaking her vow of celibacy, or because she was raped. Just trying to be real not mean xoxo, Your email address will not be published. I thought it was the same lol. Medusa is another sad story. If it is a weak asteroid, it will protect it and make it stronger like make Deja fight back. The Sun and the Sun share a comfortable and enjoyable relationship. Even being around each other motivates them! Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Synastry Overlays: Sun in First Through Seventh Houses In Synastry (with an acquaintance) I have it exactly conjunct their Sun and their Medusa is conjunct my moon (2 deg orb). I do charts for the people who want them. I did not want to tease them, but at the same time, it was like a compulsion I could not refuse. I wonder how rare this is??? However, keep in mind that other aspects also contribute to your hobbies and sexual compatibility as a couple. Besides ruling beauty and love, Venus is also a master of great finances and personal possessions.